Frequently asked questions when working with DJI GS Pro

This article will answer the frequently asked questions that arise when working with the DJI GS Pro
1. Does DJI GS Pro support Waypoint missions with more than 99 points?
Yes. However, when a flight mission has more than 99 waypoints, DJI GS Pro will automatically section the waypoints into groups, each containing a maximum of 99 waypoints. When each group of waypoint actions are completed, the mission will pause by default. You can continue the mission by using the “Resume from Last Stopped Point” function.
2. What devices support GS Pro?
GS Pro is supported on all iPad Air, Air 2, Mini 2, Mini 3, Mini 4, and Pro tablets (Android is currently not supported).
3. What mode should I switch my aircraft to for Ground Station Mode?
P Mode for the Phantom 4 and any aircraft released after the Phantom 4. F Mode for aircraft released prior to the Phantom 4, including the Phantom 3, Inspire 1, M100, M600 etc. Essentially, if the controller has an F Mode use F Mode, otherwise use P Mode.
4. What cameras does GS Pro support?
Mavic 2 Pro, Mavic 2 Zoom, Mavic Pro, Phantom 3 Standard/4K/Advanced/Professional, Phantom 4/Pro, and Zenmuse X3, X5, X5R, X4S,X5S, Z3, Z30, and XT.
5.What DJI aircraft does GS Pro support?
DJI GS Pro is compatible with the following DJI aerial platforms and flight controllers: Mavic 2 Pro, Mavic 2 Zoom, Mavic Pro, Phantom 3 Standard/4K/Advanced/Professional, Phantom 4/Pro/Advanced/V2, Inspire 1/Inspire 2, Matrice 100,Matrice 200/210/210 RTK, Matrice 600/600 Pro,A3, N3
6. What industries can use GS Pro?
GS Pro can be utilized in many industries including architecture, precision agriculture, aerial mapping, electrical inspection, security control, disaster monitoring, and more.
7. Does GS Pro support offline maps?
No. To use GS Pro without internet access, cache the map data first. Do not close or refresh the GS Pro page during use. When no internet is available, use the aircraft to create waypoints or define a flight area.
8. Is GS Pro able to calculate whether the battery can cover the entire mission?
No, but the current battery percentage is visible onscreen. GS Pro is able to continue a mission from a breakpoint, so when the battery is low, pause the mission, swap the battery and continue.
9. Is there a maximum distance limit?
If the farthest distance planned exceeds 2km, a warning will appear but the mission can begin.
10. What are Inside Mode and Scan Mode?
In Inside Mode, the aircraft follows an automatically generated route within a chosen area. In Scan Mode, the aircraft follows the fastest route to cover a designated area, which may result in flying out of the defined area.
11. Where does GS Pro map data come from?
From Apple Maps.
12. In a multi-aircraft mission, how many aircraft does GS Pro support? Do they have to be of same type?
Multi-aircraft missions are not currently supported.
13. What is the distance range between waypoints?
The distance between two adjacent waypoints can be from 1m to 2000m.
14.What happens if GS Pro loses control over the aircraft during a mission?
The aircraft will continue its mission and finish all planned actions.
15. What happens if I move a joystick during a mission?
Moving a joystick during a Waypoint Route mission will manually control the aircraft flight speed and heading. After releasing the joystick, the aircraft will resume its preset flight speed and heading.Moving a joystick during a 3D Map Area or 3D Map POI mission will manually control only the flight speed. After releasing the joystick, the aircraft will resume its preset flight speed.
16. Can I use the remote controller to record video or take a photo during a mission?
Yes, but this is not recommended as it may affect the mission.
17. If I activate Return to Home during a mission, will the aircraft return?
18. Can I stop the motors during mid-flight?
Yes, if the stop-motor operation in DJI GO or DJI GO 4 has been enabled. This should only be used in an emergency.
19. Can I interrupt a mission at any time?
20. What is the difference between Virtual Fence, GEO Fence and No-fly Zone?
A Virtual Fence is a user defined area in the GS Pro app. GEO Fence and No-fly Zone are pre-loaded by default in DJI aircraft and have a higher priority, thus user cannot edit GEO Fence or No-fly Zones.
21. Can I use in-app purchases on other DJI drones?
Yes, but the DJI drones you use must be compatible with GS Pro.
22. Can I edit flight missions before purchasing 3D Map POI?
Yes, you can create new flight missions and edit them before purchasing 3D Map POI. However, in order to upload missions to your aircraft and initiate them, you must first purchase 3D Map POI.
23. Does GS Pro have a flight simulation function?
No, but GS Pro is compatible with flight simulation. To do so, use the flight simulation function on DJI Assistant 2. Please note that the Phantom 3 series and Inspire 1 do not support DJI Assistant 2, and therefore do not feature flight simulation.
24. How do I access my Team account data after the software license expires?
The data will be kept for 3 months after the license expires. However, if your Team account license remains expired for more than 3 months, DJI reserves the right to erase the data in your Team account without prior notice.
25. Will the data and purchased functions from the previous version of DJI GS Pro be migrated to the new version automatically?
Yes. Your data and purchased functions will be migrated to the new version when you download the new version for the first time. The data from the previous version will be stored in the Personal Workspace associated with your DJI Account.
26. Is DJI GS Pro free?
DJI GS Pro is free to download and users can immediately access features including Virtual Fence, 3D Map Area, and Waypoint Route. There are also additional paid features that are available through in-app purchase. Please refer to the user manual for more information.
27. Under what account will the paid features be available?
The paid features will be available under your DJI Account after purchase. You can access these features from any iPad with your DJI Account information.
28. How can I view the flightlogs that other people created using my drone?
Flightlogs are created based on the drone used on the mission and stored within Team records. You can view the flightlogs created by a particular drone if you are on the same team as the drone.
29. How can other people view the flightlogs that I create with someone else’s drone?
Flightlogs are created based on the drone used on the mission and stored within Team records. Other people can view the flightlogs created by the drone you used during flight if they are on the same team as the drone.
30. Can I delete my Team?
Please contact to delete Teams. All of the associated data will be erased after deletion.
31. What is the difference between Personal Workspace and Team Workspace?
DJI GS Pro supports two work modes: Personal Workspace for individual drone pilots, and Team Workspace that supports multi-member collaboration and sharing. The two modes can be used at the same time. Please refer to the user manual for more information.
32. Can I use DJI GS Pro offline?
Yes. It is recommended to use the “Sync All Data” function to download the data onto the App first before executing offline missions. The App does not automatically download data in the background. The App only stores the data that was last synced.